Sacred Tension Podcast


Sacred Tension is the podcast about the spiritual discipline of asking questions. Every week I cover a different topic, ranging from Satanism, to Marxism, to surviving a cult, to exploring Christianity as an LGBT person. Listen to the latest episodes here, subscribe on your favorite podcast player, or find my whole backlog of shows on Podbean.

House of Heretics: Integrated Christianity | Bo McGuffee Sacred Tension

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit sacredtension.substack.comBecome a paying subscriber: this paid subscriber podcast, Timothy and I are joined by Bo McGuffee, founder of the Evolving Christian Faith Network. He helps navigate Christians through re-envisioning what Christianity can be.We discuss my latest article Can I Return to Christianity? In the process, we explore what it means to have a mature and integrated Christian faith.
  1. House of Heretics: Integrated Christianity | Bo McGuffee
  2. America's Forgotten War on Gay People | Jonathan Rauch
  3. House of Heretics: Faith, Doubt, and Ted Bundy
  4. Sex, Porn, and Male Sexuality | Dr. David Ley
  5. House of Heretics: Adolescent Satanism